Verts Ottawa South Greens
Help Greens build for the future with your contribution. With a minority Parliament, elections typically occur every two years. Your contribution will help us reach every member our community.
Greens are pleased to be represented by MPs Mike Morrice (Kitchener Centre, Ontario) and Elizabeth May (Saanich-Gulf Islands, BC). Yet we know that there is so much more that we must do.
Greens are committed to building a more sustainable and caring society, including Guaranteed Livable Income (GLI) to help people withstand crisis. We need Greens in Parliament to protect our people, communities, and our planet.
Please donate today to help our local campaign build a more democratic, diverse, and daring Canada!
With a minority government at the federal level, an election could happen at any time. Let us know your interests, and we’ll help you find a way to get involved. We welcome people from all backgrounds, talents, and skills.
Now is the time to take action! Join us and help elect Green voices. Together, we can build a better future!
Avec un gouvernement minoritaire au niveau fédéral, une élection peut survenir à tout moment. Faites-nous part de vos intérêts, et nous vous aiderons à trouver un moyen de vous impliquer. Nous accueillons des personnes de tous horizons, avec divers talents et compétences.
C’est le moment de passer à l’action! Joignez-vous à nous et aidez à élire des voix vertes. Ensemble, nous pouvons bâtir un avenir meilleur!
Join the federal Greens and the Ottawa South association.
Devenez membre du Parti vert du Canada et de l'association de circonscription d'Ottawa-Sud.
Thank you for joining our movement to advance Democracy, Diversity and Daring in support of Jobs, People, and the Planet!
Merci de vous joindre à notre mouvement pour faire progresser la démocratie, la diversité et l'audace en faveur de l'emploi, des personnes et de la planète!
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